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2 de diciembre de 2024 8:10 AM


Búsquedas Avanzada

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The National Securities Commission (the CNV), under award conferred by the Act to promote and strengthen the conditions conducive to the development of the stock market in the Republic of Panama and in order to safeguard the integrity and stability thereof in compliance with regulations contained in Decree Law 1 of July 8, 1999 and its agreements, informed the public:

1. The company Investimentos G8 (G8 Invest Ltd) with web page www.g8investimentos.com is not, nor has held a license issued by the CNV, thus not authorized to conduct securities brokerage business or investments in or from Panama within the regulatory framework enshrined in Decree Law No.1 of July 8, 1999 which regulates the securities market of the Republic of Panama.

2. The advertise contained in its website with the logo of the National Securities Commission to sustain its regulation by this agency, has not been approved for use for this alleged company.

3. The address “Punta Darien Streets, Punta Pacifica, San Francisco, Panama City, Panama” and the phone number (507) 340-4080, it´s not related to Investimentos G8 (G8 Invest Ltd), as it´s announced in its website. 4. Under the above circumstances, the Commission warns the investors, considering the content of this public warning.

Anyone involved in any negotiation with this company, should contact the CNV at (507) 501-1700 fax (507) 501-1709 or by email to info@supervalores.gob.pa.