The Superintendency of the Securities Market of the Republic of Panama (hereinafter the “SMV”), in accordance with its legal duty to strengthen and promote the proper environment for the development of the securities market in the Republic of Panama, in compliance with regulation contained in the Securities Law, makes the following public statement:
That the company named:
1.-No is registered in Panama, is not, nor has been, holder of license issued by the SMV, so it does not have authorisation to carry out business of intermediation, management or advice on values, financial instruments or Forex, in or from the territory of the Republic of Panama, within the regulatory framework that establishes the law of Valores.
2.-The market society is carrying out activities of the stock market without a license according to alert issued by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong through the portal.
The list of all the institutions authorized by the SMV is available in our Web site
3 October 2016