


Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.

26 de julio de 2024 7:41 PM


Búsquedas Avanzada

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The Superintendence of the Securities Market of the Republic of Panama (hereinafter the “SMV”), in accordance with its legal duty to strengthen and promote the proper environment for the development of the securities market in the Republic of Panama, in compliance with regulation contained in the Securities Law, makes the following public statement:

  1. The National Securities Market Commission of Spain, on April 26, 2019, has publicly notified a warning to the investor about the company BORNEO TRADING GROUP. This company claims to provide an online trading platform for stocks, forex, forex options, commodities and contracts for difference. BORNEO TRADING GROUP. is not registered to trade in, or advise on, securities or exchange contracts in Spain. https://www.cnmv.es/Portal/ResultadoBusqueda.aspx?tipo=1&nombre=BORNEO%20TRADING%20GROUP
  2. That the company BORNEO TRADING GROUP is marketed through the website https://bortrgroup.com/ and they identify the Republic of Panama as a telephone and domiciliary contact. This company is carrying out activities that require authorization as explained in the Securities Market Law.
  3. The company named BORNEO TRADING GROUP, S.A., registered at the Mercantile Section of the Public Registry (830940), has not been granted any type of license or registrations by the SMV, therefore is not authorized to perform activities related to the securities market, including business of intermediation, investment advice, intermediation in FOREX, securities investment manager, inside or from the Republic of Panama, within the scope of the Securities Law.
  4. Under the above circumstances, the SMV warns the public considering the contents of this public release.

For further information regarding this release, please contact us by phone at (507) 501-1700, fax (507) 501-1709, or email info@supervalores.gob.pa.

All the companies authorized by the SMV that authorized for these activities are available in our Web site www.supervalores.gob.pa.


May 13th, 2019
