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The National Securities Commission of the Republic of Panama (hereinafter the “CNV”), in accordance with its legal duty to strengthen and develop the securities market in Panama, in compliance with regulations of the Decree Law No.1 of  July 8th of 1999 and its regulation, warns to the public as follows:

  1. The Financial Services Authority of The United Kingdom has warned that the company Centex Resources S.A. does not have any authorization to carry out regulated activities in the securities market.  This information is available in the following link: https://www.fsa.gov.uk/pages/Doing/Regulated/Law/Alerts/overseas.shtml#o.
  2. The company Centex Resources S.A., registered in the Public Registry of Panama, under microjacket 702114, document 1781601 of the Mercantile Section, has not been issued any kind of license by the CNV, nor has been authorized to carry out brokerage or investment advisory in or from Panama. Consequently, the activities of this company and the performance of its operations cannot be endorsed or guaranteed by the CNV.
  3. The company Centex Resources S.A. states through its website https://www.centexresources.com/investors.php, that they have offices in the Republic of Panama, however this company does not have own offices, as said stated offices belong to a company named Vircen Internacional, which offers virtual office services.
  4. For further information regarding this Release, please contact us by phone at (507) 501-1700, fax (507) 501-1709, or email info@supervalores.gob.pa.

Alejandro Abood Alfaro


February 22nd , 2011.